Overcoming Barriers to Finding Sponsorship
Lessons on creating sponsorship relationships across different identities.
Sponsorship: OK, but how?
You probably already know that developing sponsors is important. This post shows how people who have built them did so.
Lessons on Mentorship and Sponsorship
The start of a research effort on how people actually for valuable sponsorship relationships.
Overwhelm and Hard Restarts
Instead of fighting the overwhelm perhaps we should just give up and start from scratch.
Overwhelm and Purpose
How we might reduce overwhelm by reconnecting with our core purpose.
Overwhelm and Agency
Lessons for how we might see our own agency when trying to overcome feeling overwhelmed.
Unlocking Next-Level Communication
Three strategies for how to make sure our stories aim at the right target and break through to our audience.
They Probably Have a Good Reason Not to Change
How to lead change by reducing our judgments and analyzing the barriers to change for those we want to influence.
A “Year” Isn’t Real
Using calendar time is a false construct when it comes to understanding the organization and the strategy. When leaders scrutinize how these constructs affect our understanding, it can reveal opportunities to make them more useful tools for decision-making.
Leadership and the Olympics
What we can learn from Kevin Durant and other Olympians on leadership.
I Have No Opinion
Having opinions can close off inquiry, calcify our thinking, and increase the odds that we’ll enter into ego-filled contests to defend our perspective.
Quieting the Judge
Quieting our judgments is how we can lean into our development rather than cutting it off because it doesn’t feel good.
The Leadership Lessons of Kenny Loggins
Is Top Gun the greatest movie of all time? Definitely. Is Kenny Loggins’ Danger Zone a great lesson about leading ourselves? Definitely maybe.
We’re All Bad Headline Writers
Cultural norms and our biases can distort the information coming into our minds, leading us to write bad “headlines” about what we’re seeing.
Starting and Quitting Like a Pro
Yes, being a professional means being able to focus when we need. But real pros also know when they need to cut themselves off.