Get My (Stuff) Together

This workbook will guide you through an annual strategy retreat—whether you do it yourself or with friends. The goal is to help you pay an extended visit to your values, set a bold vision for the year, and create workable goals.

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A Peek Inside

The Six Steps of Your Retreat

  1. Ground Yourself in Values: You’ll revisit your core definition of life success and assess your performance against it. 

  2. Reflect and Identify Strategic Opportunities: You’ll assess the factors that have either helped you be successful or have held you back. 

  3. Set a Vision for the Year: What would make for an awesome year? This workbook will guide you toward creating a bold vision so you don’t simply optimize within current constraints. This vision will be your North Star.

  4. Craft Goals: Given the previous steps, you’ll outline the actions to help you achieve the vision. 

  5. Create Space and Plan for Success: Most of us already have full plates. This section helps you identify where to adjust your current activities to make space for your new goals.

  6. Take Action—Right Now: The retreat is incomplete until you start taking action. Ideally, you’ll leave time at the end to get started, but at a minimum, you’ll identify the most urgent action steps.

Tools to Plan with Your Partner


The final section of the workbook includes exercises for couples to plan in their roles as partners and parents. The tools include:

  1. Relationship and Parenting Check-In Survey

  2. Financial Check-In Survey

  3. Annual Financial Checkup Checklist

The Map to My Life document provides all the critical information your loved ones would need if your partner passes away. It includes details like financial accounts, insurance policies, and key contacts, ensuring nothing is overlooked during a difficult time. Designed as an essential complement to formal estate planning tools like wills and advance directives, this resource helps bring clarity and peace of mind when it matters most.