Well, Would You Look at That: I Wrote a Book!

I am thrilled to announce the upcoming release of my book, Strategic FUEL for Nonprofits, on September 25!

The Backstory

A few years ago, I was supporting a nonprofit organization on strategic planning and wrote several emails to the lead client, saying, essentially, All the work we’re doing to create a new strategy might be wasted if you don’t also start working on how to make the strategy live in your organization’s routines

It was part of recognizing that having a strategy differs from being strategic and that, for many organizations, the latter is the more critical factor in achieving their goals.   

Eventually, the concepts from those emails, fleshed out through research and numerous conversations with nonprofit leaders, became Strategic FUEL for Nonprofits

The Main Idea

Strategy is the world of outlining goals, priorities, and implementation plans. You need a focused strategy that outlines the right destination, tackles the most important opportunities and challenges, and appropriately aligns resources.

But to maximize value from the strategy, you need far more. 

First, the strategy also needs to be understandable because everyone in the organization needs to know what the strategy requires from them. They can only act consistently with the strategy if they understand it.

Second, if you want a strategy to drive progress, it should be embedded in your team or organization’s routines—part of how you work together, make decisions, allocate resources, and reward people.

Finally, because the future never works out how you imagine when setting strategy, you need processes and a team culture that enable adaptability and learning. When a team has that, the strategy can evolve—it is living

Strategic FUEL happens when an organization has all four elements. The book is about how leaders can create Strategic FUEL through their strategy planning efforts by designing processes that match their strategic situation and practicing the strategic culture they want to develop.

While the book is written specifically for the nonprofit sector, the elements of FUEL are applicable to anyone trying to drive strategic change. 

Over the next few weeks, I’ll share some of the more interesting concepts from the book. (But I swear, Monday Musings will not become an advertisement.)

If You’d Like to Engage and Support, Here’s How You Can Do So

  1. Buy the Book. It’s available for pre-order now

  2. Share Strategic FUEL for Nonprofits with the nonprofit leaders you know. 

  3. Connect. One of the best parts of the writing experience has been talking to leaders and teams about Strategic FUEL and how it might be useful for them—both in informal one-on-ones and in workshops. If that would be worthwhile for you or leaders you know, I’d love to connect on it.


Strategic FUEL and Time Travel


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